Introducing S.C. Equity
Mapping inequity, closing gaps.

S.C. Equity is a bespoke mapping service that specializes in place-based decision making and neighborhood analytics. Using innovative techniques in geospatial analysis and multidimensional equity assessment, S.C. Equity is able to help organizations tackling today’s greatest social and climate challenges make SMART, equity-driven decisions about their place-based projects.

S.C. Equity was founded by SC Reed in 2021 and launched in Spring 2024. You can connect with Reed via LinkedIn.

Big 'E' ℠ Equity

Big ‘E’ ℠ equity is a novel concept and technique around which founder SC Reed built S.C. Equity. It combines over 100 equity-related indicators into a composite index that pinpoints the neighborhoods experiencing the deepest and broadest equity gaps across a wide range of topics.

Big ‘E’ challenges all of us to think differently about how our missions can help disrupt cycles of inequity in the most over-burdened neighborhoods and build more resilient communities. If we prioritize the most burdened communities, doing what we can to close gaps within the scope of our mission, our work will be that much more impactful.

S.C. Equity Index (SCEI) of 100+ Equity Indicators

The S.C. Equity Big ‘E’ ℠ Index (SCEI) comprises over 100 equity indicators, with scores ranging from 0 to 100. Lower SCEI scores indicate neighborhoods with fewer resource and access gaps, fewer environmental and health hazards, and overall better socioeconomic outcomes. Neighborhoods with higher scores may experience many gaps of varying severity or a smaller number of very severe gaps. Neighborhoods scoring closer to 100 may experience many severe gaps.

If you’d like access to the full list of indicators and data sources used in the SCE Index, please request access here.

Interactive map available on desktop and tablet.

Introducing S.C. Equity
Mapping inequity, closing gaps.

S.C. Equity is a bespoke mapping service that specializes in place-based decision making and neighborhood analytics. Using innovative techniques in geospatial analysis and multidimensional equity assessment, S.C. Equity is able to help organizations tackling today’s greatest social and climate challenges make SMART, equity-driven decisions about their place-based projects.

S.C. Equity was founded by SC Reed in 2021 and launched in Spring 2024. You can connect with Reed via LinkedIn.

Big 'E' ℠ Equity

Big ‘E’ ℠ equity is a novel concept and technique around which founder SC Reed built S.C. Equity. It combines over 100 equity-related indicators into a composite index that pinpoints the neighborhoods experiencing the deepest and broadest equity gaps across a wide range of topics.

Big ‘E’ challenges all of us to think differently about how our missions can help disrupt cycles of inequity in the most over-burdened neighborhoods and build more resilient communities. If we prioritize the most burdened communities, doing what we can to close gaps within the scope of our mission, our work will be that much more impactful.

S.C. Equity Index (SCEI) of 100+ Equity Indicators

The S.C. Equity Big ‘E’ ℠ Index (SCEI) comprises over 100 equity indicators, with scores ranging from 0 to 100. Lower SCEI scores indicate neighborhoods with fewer resource and access gaps, fewer environmental and health hazards, and overall better socioeconomic outcomes. Neighborhoods with higher scores may experience many gaps of varying severity or a smaller number of very severe gaps. Neighborhoods scoring closer to 100 may experience many severe gaps.

If you’d like access to the full list of indicators and data sources used in the SCE Index, please request access here.

Interactive map available on desktop and tablet.

S.C. Equity Interest Form


Big 'E' ℠ Equity (Workshop)
Explores in depth the main concepts underlying S.C. Equity’s Big ‘E’ ℠ approach and assists your organization in seeing your work from the big picture.
GDM 101: Weaving Your Equity Web (Workshop)

GDM 101, or Weaving Your Equity Web, is an introduction to geospatial decision making (GDM) for teams with limited experience using maps in their work and decision-making processes. It is designed to help you begin to visualize your mission in maps and to equip you with the tools necessary to become geospatial decision makers . The workshop culminates in a resource booklet of maps of open data related to the topics you work on.

Equity Maps
A Big ‘E’ ℠ Equity Map, or equity map, is created using S.C. Equity’s novel Big ‘E’ equity assessment of over 100 equity-related indicators. Other types of analysis can be incorporated into the Big ‘E’ assessment to create custom client maps. These include priority, risk, and strategic maps.
Equity Atlases

A booklet of maps that serves to further contextualize and explore your unique SCE equity map(s). Map types can include SCE equity maps, single-variable
maps, community profiles, gap analyses, specialty maps (e.g., dot density, bivariate choropleth, symbol), and more.

SCEI Office Hours

Meet with founder SC Reed to conduct a real-time deep dive into the county SCEI map. You can ask Reed questions not answerable by the public version of the interactive SCEI map and gain access to a wider range of data visualizations with the addition of range filters.

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